A deep voice radiating strength and confidence broke the silence: “Perhaps you should let me handle the situation?” The moment the man spoke, the paralysis went away. Kolin finally could turn around. He found himself facing a tall, muscular fellow, wearing a light-blue shirt […]

New Horizons

Words –printed,or filling a screen. Theyare onlybellsswayinghesitantlyin long callsthat shakethe clouds. Betterlift your gazeaway from this textand let your wingsspread highuntil they touch the sky. (c) Marian C. Ghilea, 2021-2022artwork by Marian C. Ghilea

Shadow – 影 – Umbră

Shadow I standin the middle,moonlight streamingover the glade. Nightbirdscarry my gazein slow flightabove branches. Whenthe Moon sets,I shall be gone,too,shadowamong shadowsembraced bydarkness. 影 立つ真ん中に月の光が垣根を照らしている 夜行性の鳥私の視線を運び枝の上をゆっくりと飛んで 月が沈むと私は消えてしまう影の中の影闇に抱かれて Kage (Japanese transliteration to romaji) Tatsumannaka ni.Tsuki no hikari gakakine o terashite iru. Yakōsei no toriwatashi no shisen wo […]


Dreams in the Childhood’s Autumn Light I still vividly remember the magical nights of my childhood, those nights when the stars rested from their circumpolar motion among the birch trees from the northern hill. Their ghostly glow, lights from an unknown city spread above […]