
Clouds Transient sculpturesof light and shadow,they drift without haste,carrying rains and dreamsto other horizons. When I watchtheir flowing shapes,my thoughts become birds,gliding highin whispers of water. They dissolvein veiled embracesthat hide the Sun and the stars,while my suspended breathis expanding,reaching outfor you. Nori Sculpturi […]


A deep voice radiating strength and confidence broke the silence: “Perhaps you should let me handle the situation?” The moment the man spoke, the paralysis went away. Kolin finally could turn around. He found himself facing a tall, muscular fellow, wearing a light-blue shirt […]

New Horizons

Words –printed,or filling a screen. Theyare onlybellsswayinghesitantlyin long callsthat shakethe clouds. Betterlift your gazeaway from this textand let your wingsspread highuntil they touch the sky. (c) Marian C. Ghilea, 2021-2022artwork by Marian C. Ghilea

Shadow – 影 – Umbră

Shadow I standin the middle,moonlight streamingover the glade. Nightbirdscarry my gazein slow flightabove branches. Whenthe Moon sets,I shall be gone,too,shadowamong shadowsembraced bydarkness. 影 立つ真ん中に月の光が垣根を照らしている 夜行性の鳥私の視線を運び枝の上をゆっくりと飛んで 月が沈むと私は消えてしまう影の中の影闇に抱かれて Kage (Japanese transliteration to romaji) Tatsumannaka ni.Tsuki no hikari gakakine o terashite iru. Yakōsei no toriwatashi no shisen wo […]