A path is made by those walking on it. Chuang Tzu (c. 369 — c. 286 BC) Part 1:Triangulum with Three Flashes of Lightning The thoughts of Alberto Shimada, the second lieutenant of Excelsior “If you could be someone else, who would you like […]
Tag: sci-fi
Prologue I cannot prevent myself from wondering about the new generations that shall sprout into this world millennia from now. What shall they think of us? Shall they see our accomplishments as simple and primitive? Shall they portray us as uneducated barbarians? Shall our […]
Shadow – 影 – Umbră
Shadow I standin the middle,moonlight streamingover the glade. Nightbirdscarry my gazein slow flightabove branches. Whenthe Moon sets,I shall be gone,too,shadowamong shadowsembraced bydarkness. 影 立つ真ん中に月の光が垣根を照らしている 夜行性の鳥私の視線を運び枝の上をゆっくりと飛んで 月が沈むと私は消えてしまう影の中の影闇に抱かれて Kage (Japanese transliteration to romaji) Tatsumannaka ni.Tsuki no hikari gakakine o terashite iru. Yakōsei no toriwatashi no shisen wo […]
Isthmus Crypticus
I wade through,dark streamswrappingmy ankles,songs of foamy dropletsfallingbehind hidden gates. Ever lower,the tidewhisperslong forgottenwordsfrom the other side. I slide alongIsthmus Crypticus,ankle-deepin your voicecallingmy name. text & artwork by Marian C. Ghilea, 2021
Overture I am not here to provide answers but to show you some of the questions that define our world. An answer might often be a destination, but the question is the journey towards it. Go on, embark on the journey, and discover the […]