
Clouds Transient sculpturesof light and shadow,they drift without haste,carrying rains and dreamsto other horizons. When I watchtheir flowing shapes,my thoughts become birds,gliding highin whispers of water. They dissolvein veiled embracesthat hide the Sun and the stars,while my suspended breathis expanding,reaching outfor you. Nori Sculpturi […]


A deep voice radiating strength and confidence broke the silence: “Perhaps you should let me handle the situation?” The moment the man spoke, the paralysis went away. Kolin finally could turn around. He found himself facing a tall, muscular fellow, wearing a light-blue shirt […]


Wisdom Wisdom is an ethereal treasurenever confined,always lingeringbehind leaves and sunsets,an iron infant guarded by starsduring cold nights. In its depth hides a studentwho has experienced the dawn of the worldand reads all the songs,and sings all the books,and prays to the grass and […]

The White Tide

It risesin spirals of grasstwice a day,usuallyat the same hours. The hoofed bellsfrom the mountainsshatter the night’s edge,sending the milk flowinto circular songs. When you look atthe rows of labeled boxes,remember the starswrapped in prayers,the dreamswrapped in moonlight,the cows,and the tide.

New Horizons

Words –printed,or filling a screen. Theyare onlybellsswayinghesitantlyin long callsthat shakethe clouds. Betterlift your gazeaway from this textand let your wingsspread highuntil they touch the sky. (c) Marian C. Ghilea, 2021-2022artwork by Marian C. Ghilea

Neutral Ground

Dear citizen,we dwellon opposite shoreswashed bymismatched horizons. What you wantfrom the futureis going to burn downmy world. Yet,I’m a citizen,like you.I dream of lionsand sometimesspend long hourscounting stars. Maybeyou could comebefore nightfall.You can stand by meon this neutral ground. We shall waittogetherfor the starswhile […]